Portrait of a cow

I started this blog, quite atypically in fact, with a post about the bucolic bovine. Atypical because I've never consciously thought of myself as being especially fascinated by them. Until I wrote that post, that is...This is 'Cow Revisited' or 'Bovine II' or whatever it is that cathces your fancy... Fact is, it's a sequesl beyond the slightest shred of doubt. And, as sequels go, not particularly up there with the original (though...
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Big Gods, Little Gods

White for calm.Red for anger.After all, there's all kinds of gods, and you never know which one you might need?!_____Nikon F75, 28-110mmKodak 100 ISO2005, The little shrine at the sunday-market below Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, In...
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In India it would be very difficult indeed to go anywhere at all without bumping into the ubiquitous crow (a little like the ravens in London). As far as Indians are concerned, survival wise, the crow is the winged rat- Living anywhere, and off most anything.Ahmedabad is one of the few cities in India, however, where this phenomenon is startling by it's absence. Due to the unique topology, and the lifestyle of the people who've...
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